
Explaining Stubborn Shoulder Pain

Excel Therapy, Excel therapy Oklahoma, shoulder pain, shoulder, poor posture, impingement, ROM exercise, mobilityPresentation of symptoms

Shoulder pain can affect a wide range of people for different underlying reasons such as: instability labral tearing, And various rotator cuff injuries. In the younger population, such as high school athletes, shoulder pain is especially prominent in swimmers, volleyball players, baseball/softball players, and participants in other throwing sports. Pain is also a common symptom for people who have instability in their folder or suffered a labral tear. These patients may experience a shifting, cooking or a catching sensation. Pain can range from sharp to a deep ache even at rest. These problems can progress as patients page, which generally involves impingement leading to bursitis and/or tendinitis. Both of these issues generally involve sharp pain with reaching lifting to the side, especially above shoulder level. With and impaired rotator cuff anthology, patients also often complain of pain radiating to the middle of the upper arm. If left untreated these issues may evolve into rotator cuff tearing.

Common Causes

For the overhead athlete the repetitive repetitive nature of their sport put us through the same Tissue over and over. This can lead to looseness of the joint capsule, tearing of the labrum, and rotator cuff inflammation.

Poor posture predisposes people to impingement syndrome of  the rotator cuff.

Trauma such as a fall where the arm is jammed

Any repetitive activity requiring reaching or lifting, especially above shoulder level.

Certain variations in bony anatomy can predispose an individual to rotator cuff problems.

Physical Therapy Treatment

Strengthening and ROM exercise too sure no restrictions weakness of the rotator cuff exist.

Modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation to help calm irritated tissue

Connection of poor posture and incorrect scapular mechanics

Manual techniques to help improve soft tissue mobility and scapular mobility