Ankle Tendonitis

Ankle Tendonitis

Reader Question:

My doctor says I have Ankle Tendonitis. How is this treated?

Ankle tendonitis can occur both in the inside and outside part of the ankle. Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon. A tendon is a group of cord-like fibers that attach a muscle to a bone. Tendons can become irritated either through overuse or trauma. Ankle tendonitis usually occurs from returning to sporting activities too fast and too vigorously. Alternatively, it may occur from excessive overuse such as too much running or jumping. Trauma can also cause tendonitis. If the ankle is hit or struck, the tendons become irritated and tendonitis may result. Treatment depends on the severity of the inflammation. Your physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, and rest is a primary consideration. Therapeutic modalities such as ultra-sound, electrical stimulation, heat or ice may decrease pain and inflammation. There are therapeutic exercises and stretches that can speed recovery and return you to pain-free function. If you have had multiple episodes of tendonitis in the same area over several years, you may find it takes longer to heal.

Michael Siegenthaler, DPT
Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Excel Therapy Specialists