Power to the Girl in 2017!

Power to the Girl in 2017!

It’s time to rejuvenate your health and set those fitness goals for 2017. At Excel Therapy, we celebrate “Power to the GIRL in 2017”. Women have the ability to transform dreams into reality with one simple quality: Determination. Unfortunately, this determination can also lead to injury if you progress your activity level too vigorously, too soon.

Women have a wider pelvis than men, which results in a large angle (known as the Q angle) at the knee. This alignment creates extra stress on joints and tissues, predisposing women for specific injuries. Typical injuries in women include:

ACL Tears: Women are 5-8 times more likely than men to tear their ACL. In addition to the increased Q angle, women are prone to be more quadriceps dominant. For ACL tear prevention, women need to balance muscle control for the knee with increased hamstring strengthening, core strengthening, stretching, and agility exercises.

Ankle Sprains: Women are 2 times more prone than men to sprain their ankle. This can be combatted with emphasis on balance and agility exercises.

Patellofemoral Pain: Anterior knee pain caused by maltracking of the kneecap which results in grinding of the posterior kneecap against the thigh bone. This can be addressed with emphasis on strengthening the inner quadriceps (VMO) and stretching of the outer thigh tissues (ITB).

Stress Fractures: Small hairline fractures caused by repetitive impact. Women are 3 times more likely than men to experience stress fractures due to lower bone density. Proper rest is a key component in reducing risk of stress fractures.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Pain at the outside of the knee due to repetitive friction of the IT Band rubbing over the lateral epicondyle of the femur (thigh bone). The Q angle is a large contributing factor and ITB tightness can be prevented with the correct regime of stretching and balanced thigh/gluteal strengthening.

Plantar Fasciitis: Inflammation of the connective tissue that runs along the sole of the foot. This is most painful in the morning when taking first few steps. Women have a lower center of gravity which affects foot mechanics and tissue stress. Stretching, proper footwear, and intrinsic foot muscle strengthening are key factors to reduce risk of plantar fasciitis.

It’s no surprise that there are differences between men and women that influence training approach. In general, women are naturally more flexible and have better endurance than men. Women recover quicker and can take shorter breaks between sets of exercises. Therefore, it’s a good idea for women to emphasize strength and muscle development, while still including flexibility and endurance. Have a physical therapist help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and address accordingly.

As you launch 2017 as your strongest year ever–Keep the Determination, Add the Savvy. Come see a physical therapist at Excel Therapy Specialists where we can create a personalized fitness plan that is fun, effective, and safe. Achieve your 2017 goals with confidence and power, while reducing the risk of injury. At Excel Therapy, no physician referral is needed. Contact one of our 16 locations to get started today!

Molly Manuel, PT, DPT at Excel Therapy Chickasha

— Molly Manuel, PT, DPT at Excel Therapy Chickasha, OK

Prescription Pain Meds: The REAL pain in the neck.

If you’ve ever struggled with chronic pain, then you understand just how debilitating it can be. It can negatively impact physical and mental well-being, and can be a drain on personal relationships and overall satisfaction with life. Desperate for a cure, many sufferers are turning to prescription pain medication for relief. While this decision is most definitely warranted in many instances, the addition of physical therapy can also be very beneficial

Research shows that opioids may in fact increase a patient’s sensitivity to pain, making it even more likely to become dependent on them. It is for these reasons that Excel Therapy encourages and empowers patients to take control of their bodies by seeking alternatives for chronic pain management. At Excel Therapy, we employ a variety of techniques to treat chronic pain, ranging from manual therapy to more specialized treatment through dry needling and ASTYM therapy.

Are you experiencing pain and feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun? If you are prescribed prescription medication, we encourage you to also give physical therapy a try. Our innovative, highly trained therapists are standing by to answer your questions, provide a through examination, and offer a wide range of treatments to fit your needs.

The choice is in your hands. Choose PT!

Chiropractor vs. Physical Therapy: Which Option Do I Choose?

Should I see a chiropractor or seek physical therapy for my pain?

I have been a practicing Physical Therapist for 26 years. I am often asked, “Should I see a Chiropractor for my problem? Or, should I see a Physical Therapist?”

I have had the opportunity, over the years, to work with many skilled Chiropractors to treat and help patients recover from their injuries or movement dysfunctions. Depending on the type of problem which may be acute or chronic, spinal, or dealing with the extremities, the skill set or specialty of the Physical Therapist or Chiropractor, are what determines a successful outcome.

A Physical Therapist or Chiropractor, in my experience, can work together using their unique skills and area of specialty, to help all patients that have a spine or extremity problem.

The Chiropractor will typically treat with manual or mechanical adjustments/manipulations of the spine or extremities, to reduce dysfunction and pain. In addition, it is also common that the Chiropractor will utilize, but not be limited to heat, cold, massage, and electrical modalities, for  pain management.

The Physical Therapist will approach a patients problems by evaluating movement imbalances, strength, balance and pain assessment.  It is common practice that both the PT and Chiropractor’s treatment approach can overlap and be quite similar. In the end, both professional interventions can compliment each other for the purpose of helping the patients we treat.

In my opinion…communication, mutual respect for each others treatment skills, and understanding the patients needs, will determine a successful outcome for the patient.  When dealing patients that have spine injuries, I feel that there is a time that both professions can benefit the patient.

So back to the question, “Should I see a Physical Therapist or a Chiropractor?  I believe this should be answered by looking at the patients age, physical condition, or type of problem/injury. It is possible that both the PT and the Chiropractor would be beneficial for the patient.  The best advice would be to discuss the issues at hand, with your primary care physician or call one of the Physical Therapist at Excel for recommendations. Remember, we as professionals  are all working together to improve YOUR quality of life.

— Todd Petty, PT, Central Tulsa Excel Therapy Location


Excel Therapy Demonstrates “Cupping” on the News on 6

Cupping, Excel Therapy Oklahoma, Physical Therapy, Ryan Flanary

ATTENTION ATHLETES! Just in time for the busy sports season, our very own, Ryan Flanary, PT, is here to assist you! Ryan appeared on KOTV – The News On 6 to demonstrate the ins and outs of CUPPING–the procedure made famous by this years Olympic Games. Watch to see if this technique is right for you.

And, if the bruising left by cupping is not your cup of tea, you’ll be happy to know there ARE other alternatives. Like Dry Needling and ASTYM Therapy, just to name a few. SEEK THE RELIEF YOU DESERVE THIS SEASON AND CALL EXCEL THERAPY TODAY!!


Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy: The Key Ingredient for Athletes.

A female high school volleyball player is sitting at the doctors office to get a look at her injury. Her physical therapist is working on her knee.

Another school year is about to get cranked up! And, with the busyness of all that school brings, comes activities that pull families in every direction. Whether it’s drama, dance, cheer, band, football or volleyball, the interests are wide and we ask our bodies to give more as we demand more.

We spend an extraordinary amount time finding the right coach, the right equipment, the right opportunities, the right food, the right fitness, and the right team. This culture has become an ever increasing portion of student life. These pursuits are a significant part of who we are and the activities bring us great joy and fulfillment.

The big question that must be addressed is what happens when we encounter an injury that potentially could limit our performance or involvement. As important as the equipment, team or training—is the role of a sports medicine resource.

Sports medicine is as important to the performer and athlete as is the baseball bat held in the hands of the clean up hitter. Orthopedic and sports physical therapy is the key ingredient that might be missing from your routine.

Having a relationship with a physical therapist that has knowledge of the process of injury, rehabilitation, and recovery is extremely important. When you encounter a challenge in your training or performance, a relationship with a PT could be your key to returning to activity as soon as possible.

Oklahoma now has direct access for care so the initiation of care following injury could happen the same day of injury. Delaying care is the greatest hurdle to a speedy recovery.

Get ready for the upcoming year of competition. Rehearse, practice, train, stretch, grow, build, conquer, and be sure to develop a relationship with a PT that can be a constant part of your health, fitness, and recovery. Excel Therapy has a tremendous staff of PT’s with knowledge and experience that will likely benefit you, as your reach and strive for greatness.  Let us be a part of your team! And go out there and HAVE A GREAT YEAR!

Shawn Mayes Midtown Tulsa Oklahoma Physical Therapy Excel Therapy

— Shawn Mayes, PT, DPT, Excel Therapy, Midtown Tulsa

Explaining Stubborn Shoulder Pain

Excel Therapy, Excel therapy Oklahoma, shoulder pain, shoulder, poor posture, impingement, ROM exercise, mobilityPresentation of symptoms

Shoulder pain can affect a wide range of people for different underlying reasons such as: instability labral tearing, And various rotator cuff injuries. In the younger population, such as high school athletes, shoulder pain is especially prominent in swimmers, volleyball players, baseball/softball players, and participants in other throwing sports. Pain is also a common symptom for people who have instability in their folder or suffered a labral tear. These patients may experience a shifting, cooking or a catching sensation. Pain can range from sharp to a deep ache even at rest. These problems can progress as patients page, which generally involves impingement leading to bursitis and/or tendinitis. Both of these issues generally involve sharp pain with reaching lifting to the side, especially above shoulder level. With and impaired rotator cuff anthology, patients also often complain of pain radiating to the middle of the upper arm. If left untreated these issues may evolve into rotator cuff tearing.

Common Causes

For the overhead athlete the repetitive repetitive nature of their sport put us through the same Tissue over and over. This can lead to looseness of the joint capsule, tearing of the labrum, and rotator cuff inflammation.

Poor posture predisposes people to impingement syndrome of  the rotator cuff.

Trauma such as a fall where the arm is jammed

Any repetitive activity requiring reaching or lifting, especially above shoulder level.

Certain variations in bony anatomy can predispose an individual to rotator cuff problems.

Physical Therapy Treatment

Strengthening and ROM exercise too sure no restrictions weakness of the rotator cuff exist.

Modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation to help calm irritated tissue

Connection of poor posture and incorrect scapular mechanics

Manual techniques to help improve soft tissue mobility and scapular mobility

Dry Needling: A powerful therapy technique for many conditions.

muscular tension and spasm, Ryan Flavory, Dry Needling, patellar tendinitis, Excel Therapy Oklahoma, chronic pain, Neck pain, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow, Headaches, Hip Pain, Gluteal Pain, Knee Pain, Achilles Tendonitis, Tendonosis, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Muscular Strains, Ligament Sprains, Chronic Pain, Athletic PerformanceDry needling is an effective treatment approach for both chronic and acute problems. Physical Therapists generally use this technique to address chronic muscle tension known as trigger points, but we also use it for headaches, neck pain, low back pain and acute strains/sprains.

Dry needling involves advancing an “acupuncture style” monofilament needle into a muscle in an effort to deactivate acute painful muscle spasm or chronic muscle soreness/tension. Patients often feel positive results in one or two visits depending on the complexity of their problem, and typically have minimal soreness afterwards.

Call any of our locations today to discuss your condition and decide if dry needling may be beneficial to you.

Ball Field Injuries: Assisting You With Major League Comebacks!

Baseball Injuries, Softball injuries, physical therapy, surgery, ASTYM, manual therapyDid you know there are over a million baseball and softball injuries in the U.S. yearly? Overuse injuries in the back, shoulder and elbow contribute to pain and can lead to additional problems in the future.

Here’s the good news… many of your symptoms can be treated without surgery in the convenience of an Excel Therapy clinic.

Our therapists are highly skilled in a variety of treatments, including ASYTM, dry needling, and manual therapy. These techniques are effective in relieving a player’s pain and getting them back on the field in no time!

We hope you never need us, but if you do, recommend

Excel Therapy to your physician.

Because you DO have a choice! 

ASTYM Therapy: Addressing the cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.

Excel Therapy, Excel Therapy Oklahoma, tennis elbow, manual therapy, Achilles Tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, hip bursitis, ASTYM

ASTYM Therapy is a manual therapy technique, performed by physical therapists, to stimulate regeneration of healthy soft tissue (muscle, ligament, tendon) by promoting elimination of dysfunctional fibrotic tissue. Fibrotic or scar tissue restricts soft tissue mobility which often results in pain. We often treat chronic problems such as Achilles TendonitisPatellar Tendonitis, and

Tennis Elbow, but also routinely use ASTYM for Plantar FasciitisHip Bursitis, and many more diagnoses.

As an active participant in your own recovery, it’s up to you to guide how your body heals. Our certified ASTYM therapists will provide you with the knowledge you need to adequately stretch and strengthen your healthy new tissue. And the best part? You don’t need to take time off from doing what you love in order for your body to heal. In fact, you are encouraged to continue your favorite activities during the treatment process which is actually beneficial to tissue remodeling.


To find out if ASTYM Therapy is right for you, call an

Excel Therapy location near you today!


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